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Everything you need to know about insecure communication along with its impact on mobile application security

Insecure communication in a very normal sense refers to the communication that will be taking place between the client and server or between the...
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Everything you need to know about insecure communication along with its impact on mobile application security

Insecure communication in a very normal sense refers to the communication that will be taking place between the client and server or between the servers over insecure channels. If the communication will be involving the transmission of unencrypted data, then the communication channel will be left very vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. This particular type of attack will have two distinct steps which will be the interception and the decryption. In the interception stage, the attacker will be intercepting the traffic before it reaches the intended destination and this can be done either through IP spoofing, DNS spoofing, or any other kind of related things. On the other hand, in the cases of decryption, the data stream whenever intercepted will begin this particular process and further decrypt the traffic without any raising of the red flag. An attacker in this particular case can easily go using several methods including SSL hijacking, HTTPS spoofing, or any other kind of related things.

How will the concept of insecure communication happen?

In the world of mobile application security, insecure communication is a very important security vulnerability in mobile applications which has also been rated the third most exploited risk by the OWASP mobile top 10 list. If the data has to be intercepted or changed without any element of detection everybody knows that the application will be vulnerable to insecure communication. Plenty of eavesdropping tools are available in the market that can easily highlight the applications and further deal with the transmission of data. So, insecure transmission is very important to pay attention to in addition to insecure communication. Some of the significant insights that you need to know about the risk and impact of insecure communication have been explained as follows:

Insecure mobile application communication will be disastrous on multiple levels because as a business every organization will be suffering from irreversible reputational damage if the mobile application is the primary means of violating the privacy of the user.

The security breach undertaken with the help of this particular situation will lead to identity theft or fraud which again will be a very problematic scenario for the companies to be managed later on.

When the companies have the admin account, the mobile application will be dealing with the sensitive data and if the account has to be intercepted the attacker will have accessibility to the entire application by further having access accessibility to the sensitive user data. It is critical to focus on having the safeguarding testing system right in the right direction so that application development will be sorted out and there will be no chance of any kind of problem.

How can you improve mobile application security with the help of insecure communication?

  1. As a mobile application developer, it is very important for people to focus on some of the best practises associated with the development life-cycle and some of those basic practises have been very well justified as follows: 
  2. It is always important for people to ensure that they are working with the correct assumptions to further make sure that the network layer is very safe and secure and that there is no chance of any kind of insecurity-related threats. 
  3. It is advisable for the organization to have a good understanding of the third-party entities as well as analytical companies along with social networks so that there is no chance of any kind of leakage of data. 
  4. Any kind of transmission of sensitive data has to be paid attention to whether it is done through the application programming interface, web services, or any other kind of related things. People definitely need to be very clear about the transport channels and other associated things so that there is no chance of any kind of problem. 
  5. It is always important for people to note that SSL certificate certificates can be easily duplicated which is the main reason that you must always go for that particular option which is always signed by a trusted CA provider so that consistency will be there without any kind of problem in the whole process. 
  6. The concerned people always need to focus on consistently enforcing the SSL chain verification so that there is no chance of any kind of problem and further it is important to avoid the self-signed certificate certificates because it would be very much problematic to be managed later on. 
  7. If there is any sort of invalid certification detected in the industry then people need to make sure that users are sent the correct alerts without any issues and further you should never take any kind of chances with this sensitive data. 
  8. Incorporating the additional layer of security is definitely important in the industry so that sensitive data will be protected and there is no chance of any kind of problem. This will be perfectly acting as the second line of defense whenever required. 
  9. It is important to ensure that you never send sensitive data over open channels like MMS, SMS, or any other kind of push notifications because later on it could be very problematic to manage if not paid attention to. 

Further to focus on improving mobile application security it is definitely important for people to have a good understanding of the safety and security along with the assumptions as mentioned above. To get the best possible results in the Android and iOS applications, establishing a partnership with the experts at Appsealing is highly recommended because such experts will be providing you with the key element of focus on basic areas of minimal application permissions and further will be able to streamline the entire concept. This will be helpful in improving the overall security application without additional coding and further will be able to ensure that potential insecure communication threats will be perfectly eliminated from the applications without any problem. In this manner, companies can easily launch the perfect apps in the industry with genuine efforts.Â